Location Information

  • Lamplighter Inn & Conference Centre
  • 591 Wellington Road, London, Ontario, N6C 4R3 CA

Participant Contact Information - Votre information

  • $750 plus HST


Session Selection / Sélection de sessions

Thursday Sessions / Sessions facultatives du jeudi

  • Presenter: Akeshia Shkaabewis Trudeau, Huron-Superior CDSB
    Showcasing STEM education for elementary students that has a focus on Indigenous Ways of knowing and knowledge.

  • Presenter: Jessica Gasparotto, London District CDSB
    This workshop will highlight key artifacts that students will create as they work through the design process. Student examples will be provided, as will graphic organizers to help students understand key criteria for each step.

  • Presenters: Lisa Ashenhurst & Brent Coakwell, Halton DSB
    This workshop will highlight a few different approaches / ideas that Board Leads across the province are implementing to support their tech teachers as they work to embrace the new compulsory tech credit. Participants will get a chance to share their ideas and work with others to develop strategies.

  • Presenters: John Hobbins & Paul Keenan, FIRST Robotics
    FIRST Robotics Canada announces increased teacher training, classroom supports and hybrid curriculum delivery models through rich in-class learning activities. Learn how to elevate your effectiveness at engaging students through the experience of FIRST Robotics intersecting with STEM and Skilled Trades. Recommended session attendees: Teachers, Administrators, STEM, OYAP, Guidance board leads. Please bring an iPad if you can.

  • Presenter: Jody Jakubo, Rainbow DSB
    This workshop will involve the sharing of strategies that have been successfully used to recruit teachers from industry into tech classrooms. You will also hear from new tech teachers about the transition.

  • Presenters: Bill Fetter & TEBL Team
    Safety is a critical part of all Technological Education classes. In this workshop, we will explore the idea of safety instruction, bringing your trade experience into the student learning, and learn some strategies for enhancing the delivery of safety training beyond chalk and talk, blackline masters, reading and writing quizzes.

  • Présentateurs: Alexandre Reil & Micheline Higgins, Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est
    Les sports électronique, la réalité virtuelle et le pilotage de drone sont des technologies qui facilitent le développement des habiletés d'apprentissage et des habitudes de travail chez les élèves. Durant cet atelier, les participants auront la chance de découvrir comment les utiliser en salle de classe.

  • Presenter: Marc Dubeau, Ottawa-Carleton DSB
    This workshop will showcase how students built a game and published on a world wide game market. It will also showcase to teachers how to build a similar game with video tutorials to follow and use if they wish.

  • Presenter: Lee Ann Armstrong, Hamilton-Wentworth DSB
    This workshop will share ideas on how to make connections with Technological Education in elementary and other secondary classrooms. This is a hands-on session to encourage outside of the box thinking of what could be possible.

  • Presenter: Erin Mackenzie, Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB
    Sharing of an interactive student resource and grade 4 to 6 educator information for demystifying the Skilled Trades for junior educators and helping them to develop an understanding of this pathway with links to the Science and Math Curriculum.

Friday Sessions / Sessions du vendredi

  • Presenter: Kevin Lee, Leeverage Integration
    This two-part workshop will emphasize the benefits of using Generative Design technology to achieve more with less giving us the ability to look at a much broader set of design solutions in the same timeframe that we are using to look at smaller set of solutions today. The shift towards using AI in the design process is going to move us towards proactive CAD design; co-engineering with cloud computing power to generatively explore design alternatives.

  • Presenters: Derek Murphy, Studica & Dave Lewis, OCTE
    How do you use computer-controlled (“CNC”) tools? It may look like magic when the Tormach, or other machine accurately cuts an intricate shape, but in fact we have some powerful software tools that even let beginners create fantastic projects. This session is an overview of “CNC”–that is, computer-controlled machines. You’ll learn what CAD means, the difference between 2D and 3D, and other concepts. We will do some very simple hands-on activities, including a 2D drawing from a CAD program, using a conversational CAM program to generate code to run on a CNC machine. Each person will send their job to a simple CNC machine and see it run! If you have no CNC experience, this two-part session would be great for you to attend. Notes, projects and other handouts will be provided.

  • Presenter: Lee Ann Armstrong, Hamilton-Wentworth DSB
    Bring that lesson back to life with inquiry-based learning. How can we make connections to skilled trades and the BBTs?

  • Presenters: Jeff Piro, Ministry of Education & Bill Fetter, Greater Essex County DSB
    Intended for Tech Ed Board Leads (TEBLs), this facilitated workshop will provide a forum for exchanging TEBL's frequently asked questions (FAQs) and best practices to build capacity and mobilize knowledge related to all aspects of the implementation of technological education. Participants will be surveyed before the conference to determine FAQs.

  • Presenter: Melissa Oliver, Simcoe Muskoka CDSB
    With AI being the latest technology revolution, this session can show teachers who are looking to use AI some resources to help them work smarter not harder. This session will give you some of the newest sites for AI and show you how they work in your BBT courses. Come to explore how you might be able to use AI tools in your class.

  • Presenters: Nigel Carlisle, Crystal Seguin & Rose MacCulloch, Upper Canada DSB
    In this workshop, participants will delve into hydroponics understanding the marvel of soilless farming. This knowledge will empower them to appreciate the significance of sustainable agriculture and its potential to address global food security challenges.

  • Presenters: Kainia Cloutier & Julie Oliver, University of Ottawa
    In this multidisciplinary workshop, participants will use coding concepts to tackle health problem related to lack of exercise and will build a simple smart watch using a micro:bit. Micro:bits are used around the world to introduce coding to students. Learn how to take it to the next level, using Python language. Please bring a Laptop.

  • Presenter: Rebecca White, Engineers of Tomorrow
    As of 2022, the gender imbalance in the engineering profession is stark, with a threefold increase in male-identifying engineers compared to their female-identifying counterparts. Recognizing the urgency of this situation, this interactive session intends to explore a collaborative and systematic approach to advancing the 'E' in K-12 STEM education, a crucial step towards achieving gender balance in engineering.

  • Présentateurs: Aklex Eroff & Micheline Higgins
    Lors de cet atelier interactif, les participant.es se plongeront dans le monde de réalité virtuelle pour découvrir de différentes technologies. Les formateurs présenteront comment chercher les intérêts possibles des élèves et les appuyer à planifer leur cheminement postsecondaire vers les domaines des technologies et des métiers.

  • Discussion and Ideas for Implementing the Compulsory Credit

  • Discussion and Ideas for Implementing the Compulsory Credit

  • Presenter: Kevin Lee, Leeverage Integration
    This two-part workshop will emphasize the benefits of using Generative Design technology to achieve more with less giving us the ability to look at a much broader set of design solutions in the same timeframe that we are using to look at smaller set of solutions today. The shift towards using AI in the design process is going to move us towards proactive CAD design; co-engineering with cloud computing power to generatively explore design alternatives.

  • Presenters: Derek Murphy, Studica & Dave Lewis, OCTE
    How do you use computer-controlled (“CNC”) tools? It may look like magic when the Tormach, or other machine accurately cuts an intricate shape, but in fact we have some powerful software tools that even let beginners create fantastic projects. This session is an overview of “CNC”–that is, computer-controlled machines. You’ll learn what CAD means, the difference between 2D and 3D, and other concepts. We will do some very simple hands-on activities, including a 2D drawing from a CAD program, using a conversational CAM program to generate code to run on a CNC machine. Each person will send their job to a simple CNC machine and see it run! If you have no CNC experience, this two-part session would be great for you to attend. Notes, projects and other handouts will be provided.

  • Presenter: Sudeshna Dutta, Ministry of Education
    SHSM and Tech Ed are a pairing for the ages. Like nuts and bolts, the cream (or non dairy option) in the other's coffee, the rock to the other's roll... and we have the data to prove it. Join Sudeshna for an engaging discussion looking at SHSM and Tech Ed from a provincial perspective, and how they compliment one another... by design.

  • Presenters: Siobhain Sweetingham, Virox & Michelle Brush-Jacklin, Halton DSB
    Disinfection and infection prevention best practices for Hairstying and Aesthetics.

  • Presenter: Karen Stys-Hewitt, Simcoe Muskoka CDSB
    Skilled trades can and should be a resource for building literacy and numeracy competencies across all curriculum content areas. We will explore ways to bring the Trades out of tech rooms and into the classroom to enhance creativity, critical and analytical thinking, and problem-solving skills using real-world applications while increasing Trades awareness. Get ready to move and think fast on your feet!

  • Presenters: Angela Coldwell, Honour the Work & Lee Ann Armstrong, Hamilton-Wentworth DSB
    Are you an elementary teacher looking to integrate real-world, multidisciplinary skilled trades activities into your lessons to support curricular expectations? Would you like to explore hands on activities for your classroom? We will discuss why we need to start early and often to promote pathways to students. Create opportunities for your student to do curriculum connected hands-on projects that are connected to skilled trades books and reading. Come to this session for great learning and lots of fun!

  • Presenters: Brent Coakwell, Halton DSB
    Looking to become a leader in the education system? Join this workshop to learn some strategies for moving through the various levels of the school board. Discuss strategies for building up your resume and getting the experience and training that you need to advance.

  • Présentatrices: Mélissa Lalonde & Veronique Chartrand, Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l'Est ontarien
    Présentation de la EPS et dela visite à l'usine BRPet prototypage d'un véhicule du futur. Les élèves ont pu voir un modèle de lean manufacturing et on appliqué leurs nouvelles connaissances tout en s'amusant. Activité qui s'applique à tous les secteurs MHS. Les participants pourront vivre l'activité en accéléré et feront la construction à l'aide de Makedo.

  • Discussion and Ideas for Implementing the Compulsory Credit

  • Discussion and Ideas for Implementing the Compulsory Credit

  • Discussion and Ideas for Implementing the Compulsory Credit

  • Presenters: Kristen Berger, Lisa Keranen, Natasha Court and Mike Hicks, Algoma DSB
    The TakeTech trailer is a mobile workshop/classroom designed to introduce elementary students (grades 5-8) to skilled trades opportunities. The TakeTech trailer provides hands-on programming where students learn skills and safety related to manufacturing, construction and welding. This two-part workshop will showcase a variety of ways and programs teachers can use to get students excited about the trades pathways. Our program also provides teachers an electronic community and resources to use pre-visit, post-visit and during in class project creation.

  • Presenter: Derek Murphy, Studica
    Inspiring Life Long Learners. This two-part workshop will provide an introduction to STEM skills for your elementary school class with the Lego Learning System. Board leads are welcome to learn how you can provide this teacher training to teachers in your school board. This hands on, multi-hour workshop, also provides each participant with a kit to take back to your schools.

  • Presenter: Lee Ann Armstrong, Hamilton-Wentworth DSB
    Using design thinking, the engineering design process, and inquiry, this two-part session will help you hammer out new ideas to fill your tool box and weld together your curriculum and skilled trades in the classroom. This is a hands-on learning opportunity that will grow your classroom to the next level.

  • Présentateur: Richard Filion, Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l'Est ontarien
    Une présentation de mon expérience avec un cours spécialisé de technologie. Ce cours comporte plusieurs niveaux (9e à la 12e année) et plusieurs cotes de cours (TEJ, TDJ et ICS). Les projets sont individualisés pour chacun des élèves.

  • Presenters: Justin St. Pierre & Trent Durocher, Greater Essex County DSB
    Attendees will get a basic introduction to programming concepts and explore project ideas to introduce coding to students across different BBTs. There will be an opportunity to code with three different micro controllers and related online emulators that can be used with students. No prior programming experience required!

  • Presenter: Bill Fetter, Greater Essex County DSB
    Designing Makerspace, Technological Education Shops, Labs, Kitchens, Salons, & Greenhouses - This workshop will explore the design considerations and processes of creating an inclusive, safe and productive educational space for student-centered learning.

  • Presenter: Pete Teertstra, University of Waterloo
    Hosted by Waterloo Engineering, the Waterloo High School Electric Vehicle (EV) Challenge allows students to design, build and drive their own electric race cars in an endurance competition. Learn strategies for starting a team at your school and explore OCTE resources created to help integrate this learning into your courses.

  • Presenters: John St. Pierre & Rick Townend, Tomorrow's Trades, Provincial Building and Construction Trades
    In this workshop, we will share information about our major infrastructure projects and discuss new technologies, the state of the industry and workforce planning (i.e. where are the jobs projected to be over the next 5-10 years) to help you prepare your students for the construction careers and technologies of the future.

  • Discussion and Ideas for Implementing the Compulsory Credit

  • Discussion and Ideas for Implementing the Compulsory Credit

  • Presenters: Kristen Berger, Lisa Keranen, Natasha Court and Mike Hicks, Algoma DSB
    The TakeTech trailer is a mobile workshop/classroom designed to introduce elementary students (grades 5-8) to skilled trades opportunities. The TakeTech trailer provides hands-on programming where students learn skills and safety related to manufacturing, construction and welding. This two-part workshop will showcase a variety of ways and programs teachers can use to get students excited about the trades pathways. Our program also provides teachers an electronic community and resources to use pre-visit, post-visit and during in class project creation.

  • Presenters: Derek Murphy, Studica
    Inspiring Life Long Learners. This two-part workshop will provide an introduction to STEM skills for your elementary school class with the Lego Learning System. Board leads are welcome to learn how you can provide this training to teachers in your school board. This hands on, multi-hour workshop, also provides each participant with a kit to take back to your schools.

  • Presenter: Lee Ann Armstrong, Hamilton-Wentworth DSB
    Using design thinking, the engineering design process, and inquiry, this two-part session will help you hammer out new ideas to fill your tool box and weld together your curriculum and skilled trades in the classroom. This is a hands-on learning opportunity that will grow your classroom to the next level.

  • Présentateur: Richard Filion, Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l'Est ontarien
    Une présentation de mon expérience avec un cours spécialisé de technologie. Ce cours comporte plusieurs niveaux (9e à la 12e année) et plusieurs cotes de cours (TEJ, TDJ et ICS). Les projets sont individualisés pour chacun des élèves.

  • Presenter: Justin St. Pierre, Greater Essex County DSB
    Attendees will get a basic introduction to programming concepts and explore project ideas that introduce coding to students across different BBTs. There will be an opportunity to code with three different micro controllers and related online emulators that can be used with students. No prior programming experience required!

  • Presenter: Stacey Connors, InDro Robotics
    This presentation will cover industry insights on aerial and ground robotics - Job demand, regulatory updates, career paths and industry applications. Additionally, the presentation will provide information on advanced and basic drone licenses - the how, why and what.

  • Presenters: Bob Brown & Christopher Pinard, Mohawk College
    This workshop will focus on current trends and processes in servicing Electric and Hybrid Vehicles.

  • Discussion and Ideas for Implementing the Compulsory Credit

  • Discussion and Ideas for Implementing the Compulsory Credit

  • Discussion and Ideas for Implementing the Compulsory Credit

Saturday Sessions / Sessions du samedi

There are limited spaces and opportunities taking place on Saturday and the start times and length depends on the session.  Please only sign up if you are sure you will be able to attend. Spaces are limited for these sessions - first come will be first served. We want to ensure that these workshops are at capacity during delivery to value the time of the presenters and the individuals wanting to improve their skills through the valuable training being offered.

  • This workshop will be a hands-on design, creating and building session. Additionally, participants will be introduced to the University of Ottawa Engineering Outreach elementary resources and projects that are free to be used in your classrooms.
    9:30am - 11:30am, Lamplighter Inn

  • Presenter: Rob Theriault, Georgian College
    Discover the groundbreaking synergy between XR (virtual, mixed & augmented reality) and Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI). Explore how XR and GenAI will help education transition from the information age to the experiential age, making the seemingly impossible not only possible but extraordinary. Witness the future of immersive and experiential learning and how it's reshaping the educational landscape. Participants in this workshop will be given the opportunity to experience virtual reality (VR) first hand and discuss how schools can leverage VR for learning in libraries, classrooms and for large events.
    9:30am - 11:30am, Lamplighter Inn

  • Presenters: Jodi Froud & Keith Edwards, Avon Maitland DSB
    In this workshop you will be introduced to AMDSB's state of the art Pathways Innovation Centre, which we use to engage youth, elementary through secondary, in regular classes and the Specialist High Skills Major, in technology projects, programming and certifications. Participants will also have an opportunity to create and build an Innovation Centre project.
    9:30am - 11:30am, Lamplighter Inn

  • Presenters: Jasmine MacGowan & Michelle Brush-Jacklin
    WHAT IS STY-LIVES? Save Your Skin Foundation, Styling Hair & Saving Lives (Sty-Lives) aims to empower and educate hairstylists and barbers to detect suspicious skin lesions on the ears, face and scalp of their clients. Participating salons and barbershops are provided with training materials and resources and are taught how to detect suspicious spots. The purpose of the project is to help facilitate communication between the client and their healthcare provider, leading to earlier detection of potentially dangerous skin cancers.
    9:30am - 11:30am, Lamplighter Inn

  • Presenter: Luke Grace, Fanshawe College
    Introduction to the evolution of transportation education with Fanshawe's Green Vehicle Technology program and how to teach students today's latest and greatest technologies in EV.
    9:30am - 11:30am, Location TBD

  • Presented by the CWB Welding Foundation, Location:
    This full day, hands-on workshop provides participants with no prior welding experience and knowledge of welding and materials joining. Participants will have an opportunity to learn welding basics and explore in depth how to better prepare students for future careers. Led by qualified instructors using CWB Education Resources, this workshop will allow you to ask questions, try welding, and build your resource toolkit to prepare your students for a fulfilling career in welding, metal joining, or a related field.
    9:30am - 3:30pm, Saunders Secondary School (941 Viscount Road, London, Ontario, N6K 1H5)

  • Presented by the CWB Welding Foundation
    This full-day, hands-on workshop provides current Technological Educators with an opportunity to enhance your welding knowledge and practice your welding skills to bring back to your classrooms. Led by qualified instructors using CWB Education Resources, this workshop will provide you the opportunity to ask those burning questions and improve your technique. Participants will also learn about innovation in the industry and explore opportunities to prepare their students for the future workforce.
    9:30am - 3:30pm, Saunders Secondary School (941 Viscount Road, London, Ontario, N6K 1H5)

  • The Carpenters' Union will be offering hands-on training at the Local 1946 Training Centre. This Carpenters Training course will build a project using common woodshop machines, going over best practices and safety concerns as the project is completed. There will be information on the skills required to start a career in carpentry, and how to become a successful apprentice. Representatives from several Carpenters' Union locals will discuss opportunities for apprenticeships across Ontario.

    Safety: Work Boots, Long Pants, Hard Hats & Safety Glasses must be worn in training facility
    9:30am - 1:00pm, Local 1946, 3800 Highbury Ave S, London ON N6N 1P2

  • Presenters: IBEW Local 120
    The IBEW will be offering hands-on training at the Local 120 union for Construction teachers and other educators interested in learning more about Electrical opportunities for students.
    9:30am - 11:30am, Location TBD

Meal Selection / Sélection de repas

Accessibility Requirements / Exigences d'accessibilité

Transportation Requests / Demandes de transport

OCTE will be providing transportation for conference participants from our secondary hotels to and from the evening activities.   Please select the transportation that you would like to take advantage of if you are staying at either the Holiday Inn or the Four Points by Sheraton. / OCTE assurera le transport des participants à la conférence depuis nos hôtels secondaires pour les activités et la soirée dans les deux sens.   Veuillez sélectionner le transport dont vous souhaitez bénéficier si vous restez au Holiday Inn ou au Four Points Sheraton.

Media Release

By selecting yes, I acknowledge that I have read and accept the OCTE Media Release Policies as outlined in this document and give OCTE permission to take and use pictures and media of myself.

Billing Information / Information sur la facturation

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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